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You’ll find: 1) Information on SCBWI and SPJ, 2) Author, Illustrator and Editor Interviews * More updates to follow. |
SCBWIThe Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators |
The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) is an international professional organization for writers and illustrators of children’s literature.
SPJThe Society of Professional Journalists |
The Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) is “the nation’s most broad-based” journalism organization” serving journalists. It works to “improve and protect journalism” and “dedicated to the free practice of journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior.”
Thank you to SCBWI and the authors, illustrators, and editors interviewed for their generosity and time.
Anne Bromley
Children’s Book Author Anne Bromley
Feature Article: Author Spotlight
Visit her website: www.annebromley.com
Joy Chu
Freelance Art Director/Graphic Designer Joy Chu
UCSD Extension Instructor, Children’s Book Illustration
Feature Article: Freelance Art Director/Graphic Designer Spotlight
Visit her website at www.gotstorycountdown.com
Cindy Jenson-Elliott
Children’s Book Author and Environmental Educator
Cindy Jenson-Elliott
Feature Article: Author Spotlight
Visit her website at http://cindyjensonelliott.com/
and http://tenderheartofteaching.wordpress.com
Edith Hope Fine
Children’s Book Author Edith Hope Fine
Feature Article: Author Spotlight
Visit her website: www.edithfine.com
Deborah Halverson
YA Author and Editor Deborah Halverson
Feature Article: Editor Spotlight
Visit her editor website at http://deareditor.com/
and her author website at http://www.deborahhalverson.com/ABOUT%20DEBORAH.html
Carolyn Marsden
Children’s Book Author Carolyn Marsden
Feature Article: Author Spotlight
Visit her website at http://www.carolynmarsden.com/
Lori Mitchell
Children’s Book Author and Illustrator Lori Mitchell
Feature Article: Author and Illustrator Spotlight
Visit her website at http://www.differentjustlikeme.cc/
Mara Price
Children’s Book Author Mara Price
Feature Article: Author Spotlight
Visit her website at http://www.maraprice.com/awards.html
Suzanne Santillan
Suzanne Santillan
Feature Article: Author Spotlight
Visit her website at http://suzannesantillan.com/Welcome.html
and at http://writingonthesidewalk.wordpress.com/about/
Eric Shanower
Children’s Book Author Eric Shanower
Photo Credit: David Maxine
Feature Article: Author and Illustrator Spotlight
Visit his website at http://www.ericshanower.com/ and at www.age-of-bronze.com
Sarah Wones Tomp
Children’s Book Author Sarah Wones Tomp
Feature Article: Author Spotlight
Visit her website at http://writingonthesidewalk.wordpress.com/sarah-wones-tomp/
Andrea Zimmerman
Children’s Book Author Andrea Zimmerman
Feature Article: Author Spotlight
Visit her website at http://www.andreaanddavid.com/eliza_s_cherry_trees_106631.htm